Victor CFS Cadets

Cadets are an important part of the CFS as they are the future firefighters and leaders for the CFS organisation and for our community.

Cadet training is normally held at the Victor Group Base (Hindmarsh Valley Station) but sometimes may be moved elsewhere locally.

Local girls and boys from the age of 11 – 18 years are given the opportunity to learn new skills and make new friends.

Cadets learn about basic fire fighting, communications and radio techniques, basic first aid and map reading.

Cadets learn about work other emergency services do and get a chance to meet / train with other agencies such as SES , MFS , SAPOL and SAAS.

Cadets meet other cadets from other areas and get involved in joint CFS activities and camps. 

Cadets have games and social nights such as movies and pizza / 10 pin bowling / laser skirmish / indoor go-karting to name but a few. So it is not all learning some activities are just fun.

Cadets normally train fortnightly during school terms only on Wednesday nights from 6.30 sharp – 9 pm.

 CFS Cadets training is at no charge and most of the protective clothes and equipment are supplied. (overalls , helmet and gloves) – to be returned when leaving CFS. Cadets are only requested to supply their own sturdy footwear consisting of enclosed leather boots. (due to fast growing feet).

More information on the CFS cadet program can be found on the main CFS website.

If you thinking about a cadet joining, we can explain any aspects of being a CFS cadet with the Victor Harbor CFS Group. Fill out the tell me more form and we will be in touch.